IB Scholars offer trained and experienced IB PYP tutors in Dubai. The IB PYP is a curriculum designed specifically for children aged 3 to 12. This curriculum encourages young children to think for themselves and take responsibility for their education so that they can investigate local and global issues and opportunities. We offer IB PYP tutoring to help these students achieve their goals. IB emphasizes on a child’s full growth, both academically and beyond the classroom. Our IB PYP instructors are experienced in teaching according to the IB framework. This curriculum emphasizes inquiry-based learning and activity-based learning.
Knowledge (both disciplinary and transdisciplinary), which is represented by traditional subject areas such as language, math, science, social studies, arts, and PE.
Concepts that students investigate through structured inquiry to gain a cohesive, in-depth grasp of both within and outside of academic areas.
Skills are the broad capabilities that students build and utilize during their education and in their lives outside of the classroom.
Attitudes that contribute to international awareness and the well-being of individuals and learning communities, and which are directly related to the IB learner profile
Actions of successful enquiry that lead to responsible, intelligent, and appropriate contribution to people and communities
Our PYP tutors help young kids develop and equip themselves with these five characteristics so that they can succeed in school and in life. Our IB PYP instructors help students polish their minds in a fun, relevant, and challenging way. The PYP is divided into three sections. The written curriculum is the first portion, and it explains what young children will learn over the course of five years. The second section is the taught curriculum, which offers teachers with tutoring guidelines. The third section is the assessed curriculum, which details how the PYP curriculum is assessed.
In the last year of the primary year program, PYP students complete a complex collaborative project known as PYP display. In this exhibition, young PYP students collaborate to conduct a deep investigation into real-life societal concerns. This display also aids PYP tutors in assessing students’ knowledge and learning, as well as their problem-solving abilities in real-life situations.